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europe 2025-02-12 Estás en: Portada la Federación Actividades Ràdio Club Barcelona Permanent Award

Ràdio Club Barcelona Permanent Award

30th Anniversary (1979-2009)

In occassion of 30th anniversary of Ràdio Club Barcelona this Permanent Award is updated, in force since 1980, leaving their bases established as follows:

  1. Issued to all radio amateur and SWL composing, with the first letter of the suffix of the stations contacted or heard, respectively, the sentence:


    Exemple: uk5Rib, ea2Ald, dg3Dw, it1Ih, vo5Oc, etc.

  2. The contacted/heard stations must be from different countries, without repeating any country.

  3. The Award may be obtained from any of the following addresses:

    • ea3rkb@fediea.org

    • Ràdio Club Barcelona
      Ref.: Permanent Award
      P.O. Box 3050
      08200 Sabadell [Barcelona] (SPAIN)

    The log with the contacts making up the above sentence must be submited, specifying: callsign, date, time, band, mode and RST.

  4. The Award may be obtained in two formats:

    • Electronic: completely free of charge, the applicant will receive the Award by email as an attachment, that can be stored on your disk or printed on A4 size (210 x 297 mm).

    • Paper: if you prefer to receive the Award by mail, you must send to us the amount of 5 euros or U.S. $ 5 for shipping.

  5. Valid contacts are since October 22, 1979, founding date of the Ràdio Club Barcelona.

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Diploma Ràdio Club Barcelona
Conoce a nuestros miembros

Nombre: Ràdio Club Barcelona
Indicativo: EA3RKB
Sede: Barcelona
Contacto: ea3rkb@fediea.org
Tel.: 932183967 - 938880099
Fundación: 1979
Cuota: 10 €/año
Hitos: cursos presenciales para la obtención de la licencia, boletines RCB, Concurso de HF Sant Jordi, Diploma Permanente, miembro fundador de la ACRE, asociación miembro de FEDI-EA expediciones, demostraciones, BBS de packet radio, Congreso SYSEA'99.

La foto de archivo

EA4RKR en JOTA 2015
EA4RKR en el JOTA 2015.
Diploma Ràdio Club Barcelona

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