Federación Digital EA

Expat Club

galego 2025-02-13 Estás en: Inicio a Federación Servizos Expat Club

Expat Club: for our foreign members  español english

Spain Hospitality and good weather in Spain are great incentives for many citizens from other countries to come and live here, including radio amateurs.

In some cases the language, and in all of them our particular bureaucracy, may cause some inconvenience for these colleagues to regularize their situation here, starting to achieve an Spanish callsign. For this purpose, from FEDI-EA we are always ready to give them a hand.

The idea of this club is that you can relate and interact with other expat members of the Federation, regardless of the association of belonging or the geographical area of residence, in a transversal way to the own associative structure of the entity.

One of the actions already done is the creation of a section in our forum website called: "In English", where exchange info, doubts, knowledge, experiences and pieces of advice.

We hope to do many more soon with your own help. Just tell us your comments and suggestions.

Welcome to our Expat Club! Feel at home. How to belong to it?

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Coñece os nosos membros

Nombre: Radio Club Lugones
Indicativo: EA1RCL
Sede: Lugones (Asturias)
Contacto: radioclublugones@gmail.com
Fundación: 2017
asociación miembro de FEDI-EA Cuota: ? €/año

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