Estás no: InícioNotícias Yes, we speak English...
Yes, we speak English...
And, of course, Spanish too. So we can help you in your amateur radio paperwork for the Spanish PTT.
It is not just a matter of language, but also knowledge of regulations, procedures and some quite useful operating tricks.
We can help:
foreign radio amateurs, now residents in Spain, to achieve their Spanish licences
temporary visitors to be sure there is no problem with transmitting here
So don't hesitate to
contact us if any of these situations relate to you.
Nombre: Ràdio Club Barcelona Indicativo: EA3RKB Sede: Barcelona Contacto: ea3rkb@fediea.org Tel.: 932183967 - 938880099 Fundación: 1979 Cuota: 10 €/año Hitos: cursos presenciales para la obtención de la licencia, boletines RCB, Concurso de HF Sant Jordi,
Diploma Permanente, miembro fundador de la ACRE,
expediciones, demostraciones, BBS de packet radio, Congreso SYSEA'99.