Federación Digital EA

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europe 2024-10-24 Estás en: Portada Noticias EANET Sprint Contest 2015

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EANET Sprint Contest 2015  español english français italiano català português

After the great welcome of the previous editions, it comes again the "sprint contest" version of the same name Award, devoted to the "Radio Clubs of the World". It will be on November 8 from 08:00 to 12:00 UTC.

In just four hours you can win original and funny prizes that you can share with your mate or friends: hotels, restaurants, wellness or adventures.

Moreover, you will have the opportunity to contact those radio clubs you still needed to complete the EANET Award.

EANET Sprint Contest 2015 - Radio Clubs of the World Award

As a tribute to all associations and Radio Clubs of the World, key elements in maintaining the spirit of amateur radio, the EA Digital Federation (FEDI-EA), with the support of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO) , established in 2008 the EANET Award, of international scope and permanent duration.

This Contest is intended to complement that Award with an specific activity, fun and entertaining, with a certain degree of competitiveness, necessary to keep the ability to operate in adverse circumstances.

Contest Rules

  1. Participants: Any radio amateur and radio club who desire can participate in EANET® Sprint Contest, with no discrimination of nationality nor association membership.

  2. Purpose: To contact as many stations as possible, around the world, participating in this Contest.

  3. Bands and modes: Any frequency and mode authorized for amateur service, including satellites.

  4. Period: Valid contacts are those done from 08:00 to 12:00 UTC of November the 8th of 2015.

  5. Categories: Two main categories of participants will be established: radio amateurs and radio clubs, according to if the holder of the callsign is an individual or an association.

    In its turn, these categories could be divided in two subcategories: National and International, depending on if the participant's station is in Spain or in another country.

    In the case of radio clubs, besides, also two subcategories will be considered: members and friends, depending on their relationship with FEDI-EA and/or EURAO.

  6. Punctuation: Each contact done, and confirmed, will have a value in points depending on the kind of correspondent:

    • member radio club: 5 points
    • friend radio club: 3 points
    • radio amateur: 1 point.

    Only ONE contact between a participant and another specific one will be considered, so repetitions are worth zero additional points.

    For both, radio amateurs and radio clubs, only the amount of points received will be taken into account, ie the QSOs actually confirmed by the correspondents lists.

    As multipliers, the number of different contacted countries and continents will be used, the final score will be the outcome of the formula:

    Points x Countries x Continents.

    In order to encode the location of each station, standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 is taken into consideration for the country and one of the following abbreviations for the continent: AF, AN, AS, EU, NA, OC or SA. Or what is the same, the hierarchical address of the closest packet radio BBS.

  7. Call: "CQ EANET Sprint Contest".

  8. Lists: To validate contacts, participants should send their log in Cabrillo or ADIF format to: eanet-sprint@fediea.org, within two weeks of the contest.

    The subject must contain: "EANET Sprint log of XXXXXX", where XXXXXX is the callsign used during the contest. The attached log file should be named "XXXXXX.log" or "XXXXXX.adi", replacing, if applicable, any "/" (bar) with "-" (dash).

    The body of the message will show: full name or corporate name, category in which it participates (radio amateur/radio club), preferred language.

  9. Prizes: For the first, second and third finishers in each category there will be the following packs of incentive:

    1. Weekend Hotel
    2. Restaurant
    3. Wellness or Adventure (spa, rafting, ...)

    All the stations with at least 25% of the scoring champion in its category will get Certificate of participation.

  10. Registrations: Sending lists of participation shall be deemed registration for this Contest, assuming full acceptance of its conditions.

  11. Unforeseen: Any circumstance not covered in these rules shall be settled by the Organization of the Contest and its decision is final.

Explanatory notes

  • Unlike the EANET Award, this Contest is not based on eQSL for contact verification, but on the lists received from the participants themselves.
  • Note that, for the consideration of country, DXCC is not taken into account, but the geo-political definition of a territory in accordance with standard ISO 3166.
  • Do not forget to express log time in UTC. Otherwise, the software may consider some contacts invalid.
  • Alternatively, those who can not provide their log in ADIF or Cabrillo format, may do so using this Excel spreadsheet. Special attention must be given to the time field that should be 4 numbers but formatted as text.
  • Those associations that have not club station callsign assigned, but wish to participate in radio club category, may do so with a temporary callsign authorized by their PTT. The Organization reserves the right to request copies of relevant documents for verification.

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Diploma EANET
Conoce a nuestros miembros

Nombre: Agrupación Radio-Operadores Tinge
Indicativo: ECB24FRK
Sede: León
Contacto: tinge@fediea.org
Fundación: 1989
Hitos: cacerías del zorro, cursillos, maratones, concursos, asociación miembro de FEDI-EA programa de radio "la noche del búho".

La foto de archivo

IARU R1 y EURAO, HB9MQM y EA3CIW, trabajando juntos en la reunión de la CEPT en Helsinki.

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