EA Digital Federation

QSL Service

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International QSL Service from FEDI-EA/EURAO   español english

For those radio amateurs living outside Spain and Andorra, the EA Digital Federation makes available the same QSL Service that is running locally, with the only difference in the home delivery price, which considers inter­national shipping cost.

Let's see what is the international version of this Service about:

  • quarterly home shipping of received QSLs (if any, up to 20 gr)
  • extra shipping or overweight at special prices
  • right to send international traffic with a reasonable cost per QSL.

The first one is already included in the EURAO annual fee for individual members (10 €). The rest is charged into the EuroBureauQSL account that user owns, that can be recharged as many times as you like with the amount you want.

Diploma EANET
Servicio QSL: precios 2023
  • Envío internacional:
    • 0,50 €/QSL (*)
  • Recepción nacional extra (**):
    • 0,85 € 20 gr.
    • 0,97 € 50 gr.
    • 1,50 € 100 gr.
    • 3,00 € 500 gr.
  • Recepción internacional:
    • 2,00 € (2$) 20 gr.
(*) 50% dto. si etiqueta+web.
(**) España y Andorra.

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