Federació Digital EA

Notícias de radioafición

català 2025-02-13 Ets a: Portada Notícies EA0JC QSLs via EuroBureauQSL

EA0JC QSLs via EuroBureauQSL

According to the Royal Household of His Majesty the King of Spain, those who in the past had made any contact with the EA0JC station and now wish to get its QSL card, may send their own card via EuroBureauQSL and FEDI-EA, member association of EURAO, will manage the incoming and outgoing traffic.

This offer is valid only for the callsign EA0JC itself, but not for other temporary callsigns with "district" equal to 0 (zero), which are the responsibility of the association authorized by the Ministry for each specific event.

They apply the usual conditions of QSL Service of FEDI-EA .

We remind you that the shipping address is:

Federación Digital EA
P.O. Box 3050
08200 Sabadell (SPAIN)

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Nombre: Associació d'estudiants EUROAVIA Terrassa (ETSEIAT)
Sede: Terrassa
Contacto: euroavia@fediea.org
asociación miembro de FEDI-EA Fundación: 2006

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